As the weather warms in spring and summer, active parents are eager to leave the home and bring their baby with them to the great outdoors.

Hiking, jogging and biking are popular spring and summertime activities for keeping fit during these warmer months. However, parents do well to properly plan for exercise if they want to take their baby with them.

With so many tools and new products for carrying babies, many parents can become disillusioned by what they are up against.

American Chiropractic Association (ACA) spokesperson Karen Erickson seconds these concerns. Infants do not have fully formed cervical spines which makes them more vulnerable to injury and damage during sudden movements. Erickson states “’s important at that age that the head does not bob around.”

By taking proper precaution, parents can prevent injury to their children.

The ACA offers these helpful tips for parents exercising with their young ones:

  1. Remember that a backpack-style or front-side carrier will alter your stability so it is best to be in good shape prior to using one.
  2. Check to make sure that there is no material pressing against the baby, specifically around the back, buttocks and spine. Uneven pressure can cause pain.
  3. Choose wide straps for backpack-style and front-facing carriers to carry the child’s weight evenly.

When using a baby sling, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Make sure your baby stays cool and comfortable as the material of the sling can cause the temperature to rise quickly. Also, double check to ensure your baby can breathe properly and material isn’t obstructing their airway.
  2. Avoid jogging while using a back-pack style or front-side baby sling. The motion could damage your baby’s spine, neck or brain.
  3. Keep your own comfort in mind by lifting with your knees and brining the baby close to you before you lift him/her.

For complete family chiropractic services and wellness be sure to visit us at Vital Health Chiropractic. We’re conveniently located in Moon Township and look forward to being your family’s wellness provider!