Hip pain and problems can cause serious discomfort in everyday movements. Doctors of chiropractic (DCs) take a whole new approach to the treatment of hip pain. In fact, many patients who choose to see a DC first, experience far greater relief than working with a medical practitioner alone.

Here are a few ways DCs identify and help treat hip pain and other related issues.

Identifying Hip or Spine Problems

The hip and the spine can manifest similar pain and problems. However, DCs are extremely proficient at identifying the source of pain and hip diseases. The spine manifests pain in the lower back and rigidity of posture. Hip issues on the other hand, are connected from the spine to the foot, creating a wide range of areas to treat. Inflexibility in the complex muscular system around the hip prevents most medical practitioners from helping their patients experience relief.


There are several tools in a DCs arsenal to help them determine a hip or spine diagnosis. In general, range-of-motion tests will be administered to patients complaining of hip pain, in order to narrow down the source. However, many individuals experience hip and spine problems at the same time, which can further complicate diagnosis. Spinal alignment along with difficulty in climbing stairs, putting on socks, and other daily activities signals hip and spinal problems.

Common Hip Problems & Preventive Care

As humans age, we start to degenerate in certain areas. The hip and spinal joints along with the muscles are amongst the first to experience degeneration. The process of alleviating the pain caused from these issues can go one of two ways. Patients may opt for a surgical procedure that promises a “quick fix” or they may take a milder path through chiropractic care.

From muscle strains to capsular sprains and bursitis, the biomechanical malfunctions of the hip and spine directly relate to the pain that patients experience in their bodies, negatively affecting their mobility and daily life. Non-invasive therapies could very well be the best pathway towards relief for those experiencing such issues.

Preventative care for the body should start with weight loss, chiropractic treatments, and even possible mechanical intervention. In addition to offering an easy way to prevent hip and spine problems, DCs are also much more affordable than traditional doctors, thereby incentivizing their use. No matter what stage in life a patient may be, DCs and their corresponding treatments are the best noninvasive way to prevent and resolve hip and spinal problems.

If you are or have been experiencing hip pain or spinal problems, visit us at Vital Health Chiropractic in Moon Township today for a consultation!